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Huerto y jardín de las Palabras y los Cerezos

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Huerto y Jardín de las Palabras y de los Cerezos

The Orchard and Garden of words and cherry trees is located in the Delibes Garden, in the North Wall. It is a beautiful corner, with free access, where words and trees share the limelight. 

This space hosts a plantation of cherry trees and words in Japanese characters engraved in stone, which define and symbolize the pillars of unity of all the peoples of the earth among themselves, of the human being with nature and of our generation with those who will succeed us eternally. 

This garden constitutes a new fusion between time and space, between the West and the East, principles and ideas chosen jointly by the Japanese calligrapher Tomoko Miyamoto and the staff of the Environmental Service of the Segovia City Council. All of them are written in Spanish and in the pictorial language of Japanese kanji, a type of oriental writing that invites reflection.

If you are interested in this garden, you can purchase a publication with more information at the municipal tourist offices.

The orchard and garden of Words and Cherry Trees is open to the public continuously. Free access. 


  • Abierto al público en horario continuado. 


  • Acceso gratuito.