The House of Spikes

Emblem of the Renaissance in Segovia
This house is located at the sharpest bend in the Calle Real. The façade, built in the early years of the 16th century, resembles more a castle than a beautiful Renaissance building. This could be because, having been built next to the old town gate of San Martin, its owner wanted it to have defensive features associated with the town gate. Another possible explanation was to stop it being called “the house of the Jew” or “the house of the Executioner”, both of whom are believed to have lived there in the past. This is why the entire façade was covered with granite blocks carved into pyramid-shaped reliefs, giving it its title of "the House of Spikes”.
In the mid 15th century, the building was owned by Pero López de Ayala and his wife Isabel de Silva. Around 1500, the councillor Juan de la Hoz established his main houses here. This was when the building was renovated to include the new façade.
It currently houses the School of Art and Design.
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- Closed to the public except if there is an exhibition.