Discretionary Buses
For groups reaching the Royal Mint by Discretionary Bus:
Tourist Buses covering the panoramic route between the Aqueduct and the Fuencisla Sanctuary must follow the following requirements and instructions:
– Vehicles dimensions: only buses up to 19 MM tonnes, 13 metres long, 2.55 metres maximum wide, 4 metres maximum height are allowed..
-Pick-up and drop-off point: in Avenida de la Vía Roma, in the vicinity of the Aqueduct. The access to this stop must be via Avenida de la Vía Roma. No other route is allowed (bus traffic forbidden through Avenida del Padre Claret).
– Itinerary: to assure a smooth traffic flow, the itinerary will be only allowed in one direction:
-Avenida de la Vía Roma.
-Paseo de Santo Domingo de Guzmán.
-Puente de San Marcos.
-Alameda de la Fuencisla.
From the Alameda de la Fuencisla, two alternative routes can be used:
1. Cuesta de los Hoyos, Paseo de Ezequiel González.
2. Exit road to its connection to Carretera de Arévalo (CL-605).
– Bus parking:
1. Area delimited for the parking of buses in Alameda de la Fuencisla.
2. Area signposted as bus parking and called “Velódromo” (Paseo de Ezequiel González, by the “Cándido” roundabout).
For further information, please contact us on + 34 921 47 51 09.