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09 Mar 2022   Culturales
[caption id="attachment_45226" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Creativity_DAY21_RArribas[/caption]

9 de marzo de 2022

El día 16 va a ser un día especial en el Centro de Creatividad de IE University, ubicado en el edificio cultural de la Casa de la Moneda de Segovia. Este será el escenario de una  nueva edición del Día de la Creatividad con el título “Mind the Balance”, bajo el liderazgo de IE Campus Life. La edición de 2022, que se celebra el próximo 16 de marzo, gira en torno a los cuatro pilares propuestos por la escritora y filósofa Emily Esfahani para tener una vida plena y llena de significado: la pertenencia y las relaciones con los demás, el propósito en la vida, un relato coherente sobre nosotros mismos y espacio para la trascendencia. Autora del libro superventas “El arte de cultivar una vida con sentido”, Esfahani defiende que la búsqueda obsesiva de la felicidad nos desgasta y no siempre merece la pena, cuando evidencia que lo importante es dotar de un sentido a nuestra existencia. Bajo esta filosofía vital, los responsables del departamento de Campus Life de IE University han articulado un conjunto de actividades que se desarrollará en el Centro de Creatividad de IE en Segovia y en IE Tower, la nueva sede tecnológica y sostenible de la institución académica en el norte de Madrid. [caption id="attachment_45229" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Creativity_DAY21_RArribas[/caption] El Día de la Creatividad abarca desde talleres relacionados con el autoconocimiento y el bienestar personal, performances de arte, pintura y danza, demostraciones de gastronomía, hasta un concurso de tapas locales y actuaciones musicales en directo. En total, se ofrecen más de una veintena de propuestas creativas en las que podrán participar los segovianos que lo deseen en una intensa jornada que comienza a las 12:00 horas y que se desarrollará a lo largo de todo el día. El Día de la Creatividad cuenta con el apoyo de restaurantes de Segovia, ocho en total, que participan en un concurso de tapas tomando como leit motiv los cuatro pilares descritos por Esfahani que han inspirado esta edición de 2022, tras la mediación de la empresa municipal de Turismo. [caption id="attachment_45227" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Creativity_DAY21_RArribas[/caption]

Programa del evento

Early Actions
  • 1st, 8th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, 29th March, 19h-21h, Be Your Own Master Lab, IE Creativity Center Segovia, in collaboration with IE Center for Health, Well-Being & Happiness, Area 31
  • 15th March, 12h-14h & 16h-18h, Cyanotype or the Art of Science, Workshop by Juan Ferrete, IE Creativity Center Segovia, in collaboration with IE Arts & Humanities Division, Attic III
  • 14th-18th March, Community, Environment & Purpose: Bikes Project Raffle in collaboration with The Stork, hybrid event (online prior to IE Creativity Day; fase-to-face during event at IE Creativity Center Segovia).
[caption id="attachment_45230" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Creativity_DAY21_RArribas[/caption] Core Event
  • 16th March, 11h-13h, A Live Painting Community, IE Tower, lead by IEU Arts Club Madrid, Art Room 16th March, 12h, meet the team behind IE Creativity Day, Opening Speech, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Exhibition Room
  • 12h-20h, Paint Your Purpose, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Exhibition Room
  • 12h-20h, Tell Your Storytelling, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Exhibition Room
  • 12h-20h, VR Into Transcendence, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Games Room
  • 12:30h-14:30h, Purpose-Driven Imagination, a Masterclass by Faculty Alberto Barreiro, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Area 31
  • 13h-15h, Visual storytelling: Speak Out Your Brand!, a collaboration of Louis Hearn & The BlissBean, IE Creativity Center Segovia , Dance Room
  • 12h-15h, Four Tapas-The Four Pillars, food provided in collaboration with Segovia Tourism Office, four collecting points within premises IE Creativity Center Segovia 12h-15h, Four Drinks-The Four Pillars, drinks provided in collaboration with Segovia Tourism Office, four collecting points within premises IE Creativity Center Segovia
  • 16h-17:30h, Build Your Story, a Creative Writing Workshop by Jorge F Hernández, in collaboration with IE Arts & Humanities Division, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Area 31
  • 16h-18h, Junk food solves no problems! Cooking Sushi Workshop lead by IE University Hospitality Service, IE University Campus Segovia, in front of Cafetería
  • 16h-18h, Dumplings or Empanadillas: That is the Question, Cooking Workshop lead by IEU Cooking Unit in collaboration with IE University Cleaning Service, IE University Campus Segovia, in front of Cafetería
  • 16h-18h, Emotion In Motion, a communal happening lead by María de Andrés, in collaboration with Casa Joven, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Dance Room
  • 16h-19h, Four Tapas-The Four Pillars, food provided in collaboration with Segovia Tourism Office, four collecting points within premises IE Creativity Center Segovia 16h-19h, Four Drinks-The Four Pillars, drinks provided in collaboration with Segovia Tourism Office, four collecting points within premises IE Creativity Center Segovia
  • 17h-20h, Portray Your Storytelling, a communal happening lead by IEU Arts Club Segovia in collaboration with Fernández Hurtado, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Yoga Room
  • 18h-20h, Be Belonging, Live Gig by IEU Music Club Madrid in collaboration with IE Center for Health, Well-Being & Happiness, IE Tower, -4 Launchpad
  • 18:15h-20:30h, Primal Dance, a communal happening part of Be Your Own Master Lab, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Area 31
  • 19h-20h, Music Is Purpose, Jam is Belonging, Live Gig of SegoJazz in collaboration with IEU Music Club, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Music Room
  • 20h-20:30h, High Quality Connections, dance performances by IEU Dance Club Segovia in collaboration with Blancarinna, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Dance Room 20:30h-21:30h, Songs That Changed Our Life, Closing Gig by IUE Music Club, IE Creativity Center Segovia, Attic II.